Tarentum Today

This is for the people that haven't been back to Tarentum for awhile and wonder what it looks like today. Some places are gone some have changed, like Henrys, gone, but you still will visualize where the places used to be and how it was. Good old Tarentum. When I meet people they ask where I’m from, I tell them Tarentum but I now live in Natrona Hgts. Another question I get asked a lot these days are why in the hell did you get on the school board? Well the number one reason among many others is there was rumors that the past board wanted to tear down my Alma Mater. Me said over my dead body. I am working on pictures from the past also. That will be the next project. So if any of you can contribute with some kind words and some pictures I would really appreciate it. Oh. I was talking to old dog Tim Christy and he is going to hook me up with some pre-60’s year books Remember to enlarge the picture, most will if you click on that pic. Thanks and enjoy

Thursday, August 03, 2006



My sisters, brothers and I climbed on these cannon's and so did my children when we came home to visit.. Loved the park.
That is a different cannon than the one that was there some 20-30 years ago. But it is smaller too.
The original cannon Is at Thomson's farm up on Altimore Dr Natrona Heights. I used to be able to see it out my back deck looking down but since then the trees have takin over.
Love the info re Tarentum. Docked our boat at the boatclub docks from 1960-1965. The town/park was so different then! Miss the fountain with the colored lights. Pgh Symphony Barge docked on 4th of July and performed! Yes, Isalys, the 5 and 10, the Tarena. My dad grew up on Bull Creek Road in the 20's and 30's. We were friends of the Christy's Walt and Phyllis and Tim and sibs. Miss all...
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